Outdoor gear shop, specializing in bikes, boats, and skis. Bike and XC ski rentals; full service repair and maintenance shop
team roping, barrel racing, training, reined cowhorse, wjra, whsra, CSSHA, dressage,
Non-Profit focusing on climbing education, access and advocacy, and celebration. We develop programs, organize community events, and host the International Climbers Festival.
Direct to the customer high-performance custom optics
Llama Trekking Wyoming. Guided and non-guided trips into the Wind River Mountains, Absaroka Range, and Red Desert. The Bunk House-an elegant rustic lodge pole cabin
The Bike Mill is located in beautiful downtown Lander in the historic Lander Mill grain elevator building at 109 Main Street.
600-acre State Park with camping, hiking, biking and rock climbing.
Specialized, direct 1:1 treatment, Orthopedic Physical &Occupational Therapy. The only Certified Hand Therapists (CHT) in Lander, WY * Dubois, WY. Preventative~Post-Surgical~Developmental~Neuro
Intimate Ranch & Resort featuring eight romantic cabins, fine dining experiences, horseback rides, and natural warm springs.