The purpose of this meeting is to continue the Committee's interim work. The Committee will consider bill drafts on: (1) oil and gas/incentives; (2) oil and gas/produced water; (3) minerals/taxation issues; (4) School of Energy Resources/Integrated Test Center; (5) industrial siting; (6) limited mining; and (7) utility issues. The Committee will also receive testimony on: (1) oil and gas bonding; (2) enhanced oil recovery; and (3) energy-related litigation.
The purpose of this meeting is to continue the Committee's interim work. The Committee will review numerous bill drafts relating to electricity production, housing, insurance, business fraud, trademarks and tradenames, and executive orders. The Committee will hear from the Public Service Commission, energy stakeholders, and the Secretary of State. The Department of Insurance will provide an update on the collaborative efforts to refine draft legislation. Housing issues will be discussed with numerous bill drafts to be considered. Business fraud and executive orders will be considered along with draft legislation for the Committee's consideration.
Attendees will learn about small business innovation research (SBIR) and small business technology transfer (STTR) opportunities at the Unites States Department of Agriculture (USDA).