Please join us for the 3Q23 update in STAR Roundtable series designed to assist small businesses navigate and benefit from doing business with the federal government and large federal contractors (often referred to as Primes)! Connect with panelists from a variety of large and small businesses currently successfully performing as both prime and subcontractors. Learn helpful tips to assist you in achieving your government contracting goals.
Representatives from Northrop Grumman Corporation, Small Business and Contracting, first tier primes and others will showcase large federal contractors and small businesses currently doing business with either Northrop or subcontractors. We will discuss socioeconomic categories and certifications. In August we will also have an introduction to CONNEX™ Wyoming, an online platform that connects Wyoming manufacturers to a national, searchable database.
• Each STAR panel is unique and offers new presenters and perspectives
• Meet new large and small contractors and learn how to connect
• Learn about new opportunities nationally and from Representatives at Hill AFB
• Gain insight and information about the importance of registering with the large contractors,, and others to help you get noticed and propel your contracting opportunities
• Find out about free resources to help you on your journey
Presenters: Janean Forsyth, Deb Farris, Tracey Jerman, Rocky Case
Reserve your spot here.
Wednesday Sep 20, 2023
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM MDT
No charge
Deb Farris, (307) 247-3736