Join Strong Towns President Chuck Marohn for a free virtual presentation, hosted by the Better Bozeman Coalition.
Talk of a "housing crisis" pervades American cities. Whether it’s off-the-charts rents in coastal cities or hyper-vacancy in the Rust Belt, these problems are symptoms of a deeper dysfunction. Over nearly a century, through often well-intended top-down policy interventions, a complex system that should be adaptive and self-correcting has become one prone to a never-ending cycle of boom-and-bust crises and overcorrections.
To address the dysfunction at the root of the housing problem, North America needs to shift away from a model where large developers and centralized financial institutions have unprecedented sway over what is built and where. Instead, it needs a more antifragile housing ecosystem in which the bar to entry is low and every neighborhood can undergo incremental change over time.
This presentation will help you understand the root causes of America's interrelated housing crises and identify some rational responses that your city (and every city) can take.
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM MST
Mya Riley
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